The Elders at Restoration Church see it as a great privilege and honour to pray for the sick.
Here are the key principles which drive us:

We value and honour those who are in need. 
This will mean that the Elders will normally pray over people at a time outside Sunday Morning church. The reason for this is that the Elders are keen to devote a significant amount of time to pray for both physical and spiritual needs (as James 5:15 suggests).

The sick person is to be the one who calls the elders to come and pray for them (James 5:14).
The momentum for the prayer request needs to come from the sick person. This is a step of faith. There may be occasions where someone is sick and they need someone else to approach the elders on their behalf, and whilst we understand the need for this, it is important that the initiative and momentum is coming from the sick person themselves, and not from the person helping them. Church members can contact any of the Elders on the City or via mobile phone.

People who request the elders to pray for them need to prepare themselves for it. 
If you know of someone who is interested in being prayed for please ask them to read the excerpt from Zack Eswine’s book ‘The Imperfect Pastor’ before they contact the Elders.

Whilst close friends and family members are welcome to join with the Elders as they pray, the Elders see this ministry as a personal and intimate pastoral opportunity where they will normally comprise the majority (where possible) of those present.

Calling for the Elders to Pray

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
James 5: 14